Down the rabbit hole we go...
...and so she leaned
a little too far
head tilted just a tad to the left
with a question mark poised over her wondering brow
"What is in there... how far can I go?", she wondered
and stretched out a little farther
she fell
into the rabbit hole
poor dear
such a dolt
that one
to not have seen that coming
one would have thought
with eyes so clear
and mind so tight
the girl would have more clarity than that
ah, but alas
she again proved to be the flailing
lass of mess
tossing about into the abyss of madness
all because of her daunting curiosity
her stupidity
her dreams of betterness
getting the better of herness
now didn't it
creating this wonderful
in her cranial massiness
to trip
upon her own decisions that way
ah how we can laugh at her from the sidelines
with our teacups and biscuits
safely tucked away at the sidelines
in our secure buckled-in strapped-up locked-tight fettered placements
aren't we the winners
HA HA here we laugh
take nibbles of our sweet biscuits
take small sips of our noon teas
ignore the pleas from the hole
do not protest that it is her shouting for help
tis not she
she does not need anyone
as she is needless of helpers as helpers are helpless to help her
sip sip sup sup
good on ya
goes down well yes
blinders work so well when they are used just right
there is no girl
grasping to drag back up from this dark place she has become befallen to
we are sure she must like it there
she has been there so very long now
throw her a few of your biscuit crumbs
poor child
she must be hungry from all of that thrashing about and sniveling
she is really becoming quite the snottery
can't we just fill the hole
and be on our way then
back to our lives
with the whole matter done
the world would not stop rotating without this odd female
who thought it wise to try to change her perspectives and leaned too far into the world
now we must all suffer her folly
we say nay
shut her out and fill the hole
let her be and all will quiet in the rabbits burrow we say
pass the tea
At Thursday, July 19, 2012 7:22:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
BRILLIANT... lov it. I was actually listening to me Concerto of the Red Death while reading... fit QUITE well, I must say, as I sipped me sweet tea- dining upon Oreo "biscuits!" Deeelish is ur work here! Thanx fer sharing!
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