To "Unbe" me
Doesn’t matter
That I feel
That I breathe
That somehow I am human
Touching nothing
Who are you
To lessen me
Like I am not there
To feel it
Hear it
Know what is
Playing inside your head
Those words
Lack of
And I sit and wait
For a pulse
To follow along to
To hum in tune with
To feel on my skin
And so I fade out
Blending into the wall
Wishing I could disappear
Redo it all
Make it all unknown
Somehow ‘unbe’ me
That I feel
That I breathe
That somehow I am human
Touching nothing
Who are you
To lessen me
Like I am not there
To feel it
Hear it
Know what is
Playing inside your head
Those words
Lack of
And I sit and wait
For a pulse
To follow along to
To hum in tune with
To feel on my skin
And so I fade out
Blending into the wall
Wishing I could disappear
Redo it all
Make it all unknown
Somehow ‘unbe’ me
At Friday, November 18, 2005 2:21:00 PM,
TheUltimateCyn said…
damn, I think I actually posted this one before... deleted the prior one. Apologies to like the ONE person who actually reads this shit.
I do tend to repeat myself.
At Friday, November 18, 2005 3:09:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Add me 2 -m
At Friday, November 18, 2005 3:11:00 PM,
TheUltimateCyn said…
Well jeez - I would but how do you add an anonymous?? haha
Who are you? Send me a link!
At Monday, November 21, 2005 2:13:00 PM,
seriousgmr said…
Oh that's my friend Max..she meant just add her as a reader as well. Wow, I think you probably have more readers then me!
At Monday, November 21, 2005 3:12:00 PM,
TheUltimateCyn said…
I see you're kinda like me... no major posting on Mondays... blah!
As for the readers, I think I have all of two now... haha
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