Safe in you...
[yes, I realize this is... very unedited... needs some work...but...]
Like the wind you caressed me with your hug
Surrounding me safely as if I were a nest in a bough
And I can only truly show you my faith in you
With these words
With my poems
I can expose myself so much easier here
Among these beautiful letters and lesser used punctuations
In our world of spoken words
I can only hide
Afraid of what you might hear
Of what you might think
That you would think me foolish
For my words
But here
I am safe
Like I feel in your arms
Like I feel as your soft hand moves slowly down my cheek
Like I feel lost in a kiss as you hold me like the wind
At Monday, February 06, 2006 3:06:00 PM,
seriousgmr said…
I love it! Cyn you are awesome!
At Thursday, December 08, 2011 4:07:00 AM,
Rodger Stewart said…
I wish it was me.
At Thursday, May 10, 2012 6:22:00 AM,
TheUltimateCyn said…
reefer, with a name like that, it would never be you... think about it... I don't write a whole lot about being stoned 'dude'... so sorry cha'lie - maybe next lifetime.
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